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The organisers of ‘Say No to LNG’ have announced the formal launch of their campaign, with events set to take place this month in North America and Europe as well as East and Southeast Asia. 

As previously reported, the campaign is focused on countering the proposition that LNG can be used as a bridging or transitional fuel as part of shipping’s decarbonisation pathway. 

In a statement sent to Bunkerspot ahead of the launch, Elissama Menezes, Campaign Director, Say No To LNG – Global, said: ‘Say No To LNG will bring public awareness to the detrimental community and climate impacts of LNG in regions across the globe. We are fostering collaboration with policymakers, financial institutions, the shipping industry, knowledge holders, scientists, NGOs and grassroots organisers to build opposition to LNG expansion and new projects, and collectively move towards zero-emissions solutions.’ 

Dr. Melissa Lem, the President of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) and a supporter of the campaign, called for the phasing out of LNG not only in shipping, but in other industries too: ‘Whether it's farmers living on poisoned lands where natural gas is fracked, methane leaking from gas-powered ships that overheats our planet, or children with asthma breathing polluted air from gas stoves, LNG harms our health at every step along the supply chain. For public safety and public health, CAPE calls for a rapid phase-out of the production and use of natural gas across every industry.’ 

Gerry Arances, Executive Director, Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development (CEED) & Convenor, Southeast Asia Working Group on Fossil Gas and Energy Transition, argued that there is no need for LNG, when there is an ‘abundance’ of cleaner alternatives. 

‘The flood of LNG that exporters want to pour into countries like the Philippines goes against our development, energy security, public health, and climate interests,’ said Arances. ‘When there is an abundant supply of renewables we could instead be tapping, why must we suffer polluting and climate destructive LNG?’ 

The campaign is officially launching today (1 April), and while a weekend kick-off might not be standard practice Menezes said that they picked on April Fool’s Day to amplify their message of ‘Don’t be fooled by LNG’. The campaign’s new website, www.SayNoToLNG.org also goes live on Saturday. 

  • Elissama Menezes and Dr. Melissa Lem discussed the objectives of the Say No to LNG campaign in a recent podcast with ship.energy’s Mark Williams, which can be accessed here
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