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Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA) has announced that its next tender – which is set to launch in January – will focus exclusively on catalysing the first commercial deployment of e-fuels in the maritime sector.

In a statement sent to Bunkerspot today (13 November), the Aspen Institute said that ZEMBA will aim to aggregate at least 80 billion tonne nautical miles of demand for the emissions abatement associated with e-fuel-powered container shipping for deployment starting in 2027. It also estimated that, through this tender, ZEMBA will enable its member companies to abate nearly 470,000 metric tonnes (mt) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

With the new tender, ZEMBA will focus on 3–5-year contracts for e-fuel-powered container shipping starting in 2027 and it will be looking for bids from individual ocean container carriers or consortiums that aim to achieve at least 90% emission reduction for primary propulsion.

Ingrid Irigoyen, President and CEO of ZEMBA, commented: ‘ZEMBA is making history by voluntarily catalysing commercial e-fuel deployment through our next collective tender.

‘Our members are demonstrating that freight buyers are willing to make multi-year advanced offtake commitments now to incentivize the creation of new markets for the most scalable solutions, which will be required for them to achieve their 2030 and 2040 climate goals. By creating economies of scale and targeting investment in the right long-term solutions, our members can also accelerate the pace and manage overall costs of this clean energy transition.’

As previously reported, ZEMBA’s inaugural tender was completed in April this year. Hapag-Lloyd was the winner and it has been supplying ZEMBA members with bio-LNG.

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