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The world’s first ship with a full-scale onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) system, the Solvang-owned Clipper Eris, is ready for pilot testing.

This pilot project is a collaboration between Solvang, technology provider Wärtsilä, MAN Energy Solutions, and the research institute SINTEF. According to Solvang, which has seven new vessels under construction, all designed and ready for installation of OCCS technology, the technology can reduce CO2 emissions ‘by up to 70%’, before it is stored in deck tanks for discharge to sequestration or usage. 

‘Onboard carbon capture combined with existing cleaning technology is a significant shortcut to decarbonisation of the world’s deep-sea fleet,’ said Edvin Endresen, CEO of Solvang ASA. ‘This stands out as one of the more promising solutions for future vessels.’

Over the past few months, Clipper Eris has been in dry dock for a full retrofit. Now equipped with the new OCCS technology, the vessel is scheduled to leave the docks at the Seatrium admiralty yard early February for pilot testing.

‘The introduction of carbon capture and storage capabilities on board the Clipper Eris is a major leap forward for maritime sustainability. It represents a system change that has been made possible by close collaboration between our companies,’ said Roger Holm, President of Wärtsilä Marine. 

‘We at Wärtsilä are proud to be helping shape the decarbonisation of the marine industry, and we congratulate Solvang for their vision and support in making this breakthrough possible.’

In 2023, Solvang received funding from the Norwegian State, through Enova, making it possible to start the OCCS pilot project on Clipper Eris.

‘Enova is following this demonstration project with great anticipation,’ said Børge Noddeland, senior advisor in Enova. ‘Carbon capture on board ships is a very interesting technology, that can play an important role in the transition towards the low emission society.’

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