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Oman Oil Marketing Company (OOMCO) and TFG Marine have established a bunker fuel joint venture (JV) to supply vessels visiting the Omani ports of Duqm, Muscat and Sohar.

In a statement sent to Bunkerspot today (16 January), TFG Marine said the new Oman-incorporated JV, TFG-OOMCO LLC, will combine the local knowledge of OOMCO with the international footprint, sourcing of all grades of marine fuels, infrastructure and logistics capability of TFG Marine.

‘This partnership aligns with Oman Oil Marketing Company’s efforts to develop the maritime transport and shipping infrastructure in Oman, which is in alignment with the objectives Oman Vision 2040,’ said Tarik Al Junaidi, the CEO OF Oman Oil Marketing Company.

‘It underscores our commitment to meeting the increasing demand of compliant, high-quality marine grades of fuel while adhering to the highest international health, safety, and environmental standards.

‘Through our partnership with TFG Marine, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and the implementation of global best practices in fuel bunkering, we strive to lead towards excellence and sustainability in the bunker fuel business in the Sultanate’s ports.’

Mark Russell, Chief Commercial Officer, TFG Marine, added: ‘This is TFG Marine’s first venture in the Middle East and we look forward to serving our customers in this region.

‘Oman has a rich history as a maritime nation and is well located close to the main shipping routes connecting the Arabian Gulf and the Indian subcontinent with the rest of the world.’

The announcement follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between SOHAR Port and Freezone and TFG Marine signed last February, to establish an international bunker fuel supply operation.

As previously reported, TFG Marine has already deployed the 7,994 DWT bunker vessel Margherita Cosulich, which is equipped with two mass flow meters (MFM), to the region to supply vessels at SOHAR’s deep-sea port.

ship.energy will be hosting the Oman Maritime, Ports and Energy Forum in Muscat on 28-30 April. For more information, click here.

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